Merwede Licht Gedicht

Shot by © Ruben May

Shot by © Ruben May

Shot by © Ruben May
Merwede Licht Gedicht | 2021
The Merwede Licht Gedicht hangs on the lampposts along a long cycle path, parallel to the Merwede Canal.
Sixty-five panels with a palindromic poem by Utrecht poets Anne van der Kruis and Tom Strik. The panels, provided with iridescent foil, react in the dark with light animations to the movements of passers-by.
The city that is constantly in motion, which is central to the poem, is also literally reflected in the operation of the panels.
The artwork is climate-neutral: the lighting works on solar panels, the installation is completely energy-neutral and made from as many
recycled materials as possible.
Merwede Licht Gedicht was made on behalf of Ondernemersfonds Merwede, Transwijk & Co
Big thanks and credits to:
Ondernemerscollectief Merwede, Transwijk & Co | Nathan Marcus | Loden Rietveld | Tom Strik | Anna van der Kruis | Gemeente Utrecht | Pyrasiet