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Flourishing Decay Funded by Het Cultuurfonds

Flourishing Decay | 2023

Flourishing Decay is a traveling light installation consisting of 100 pneumatically (on compressed air) moving flowers that are controlled by the data of Bee Mortality. For many people, the existing data is difficult to understand, numbers are sometimes too abstract. With Flourishing Decay, Studio SPÉS makes this data visible and tangible.
The 100 iridescent flowers in the space equal 100% of a Bee species. Currently, the data of twenty bee species is processed in the installation, every thirty seconds a new bee species appears on the screen.


As soon as a new Bee species appears on the screen, all flowers will open, because it starts at 0% decrease in 1988 (from that moment we have data). Flourishing Decay then shows the percentage decrease of this species over thirty years. With every percent, one flower closes, so when the percentage decrease ends at 60%, 60 flowers will be closed.

Flourishing Decay was developed on behalf of Vonk Festival 

Big thanks and credits to:

Vonk festival | Cultuurfonds | The Bee Foundation | EIS kenniscentrum insecten | Nathan Marcus | Loden Rietveld

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